Company Overview

Information about Rehan Electronics Ltd.

Rehan Electronics is renowned for its own research and development department where its members are passionately working on developing new additions to our own product line. 


Rehan's production facility in Carnew, Co. Wicklow


All of our own products are produced in our "green" factory in Ireland. The factory buildings were constructed using environmentally friendly materials. Yet what makes it truly unique is that the building process itself was done as environmentally friendly as possible. 

Passive House Plus, an Irish architectural magazine, called Rehan's new production facility an "industrial revolution". We acchieved this by instead of using concrete pillars to uphold the roof, to use a truss system consisting of wooden beams made out of FSC-certified trees from Latvia.

It’s not often you find an industrial facility that combines low carbon construction with emphasis on natural materials, occupant health and energy efficiency, but Rehan Electronics’ new Wicklow factory is no ordinary building. Lenny Antonelli paid a visit to what must be Ireland’s greenest factory.

~ Lenny Antonelli for Passive House Plus magazine

The entire Passive House Plus article can be found here: .